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487 видео
when they uber me home and put me to bed after 11 shots and 9 beers and i show back up at the party
Genshin impact player’s final boss fight
POV: you’re a bird on 4th of July
Secret service agents 0.5 seconds after 360 no-scoping a failed hit man in the head.
Always the orange cat
360 no scope trickshot (insane)
Judge: I am dropping your charges Me: Thanks I won't do it again My lawyer:
The drunk driver coming out unscathed while a family of four are burning to death
Casual racists when a competitive racist walks in the room
Feds during the Vegas shooting be like:
Me 5 mins into alcoholics anonymous trying to convince everyone to come to the pub
Obama speech smoke detector beep
How it feels after pouring my used motor oil in the neighbors trashcan instead of the storm drain
POV: you gain unauthorized access to a crane
Black ops 2 players spending 12 minutes on emblem editor forging the most r thing they could imagine
Hey bus full of grade schoolers, learn this
My enemy when I honk my magic horn that summons a semi truck going at 120 km/h (75 mph)
childless cat ladies when you call them childless cat ladies
Fed funded lone operatives when the police response was quicker than expected and competent
when you get back from a long trip and you can finally use your own toilet
Homemade trebuchet water slide ends predictably
Yo bro can I hold your baby chihuahuas leash? I always wanted one
how have you watched all those shows, you only have netflix?’
me homeschooling the neighbors kids
Me to the guy with a hole in his chest after he tried to break into my car
When it’s July 1st
The guy 20 years sober when he finds out about the Applebees 1$ margaritas