Guided Meditation To Soothe Ascension Body Symptoms/Connect With Mary & Metatron

Опубликовано: 03 Апрель 2017
на канале: Divine Self Embodiment

SoulFullHeart teacher and author Jelelle Awen offers a guided meditation to soothe the symptoms of ascension in the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Connection with Mother Mary and Archangel Metatron offers a union and balance of feminine and masculine frequencies as you activate and clean your ascension chakras and connect with your inner child.

Here is what Jelelle wrote about this video:

The process of ascension, of moving from 3D frequencies and consciousness states into 4D and beyond can be challenging and intense for our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. The body symptoms that arise as we move from carbon based to crystalline can bring up overwhelm, disruption to our usual routines, and even emotional trauma. I have been feeling the intensities off and on in my body (increasing in the last few weeks) as there is a sense of fast tracking going on for those of us called to be wayshowers and love ambassadors during this time of change and transition.

With the great sorting through and personal choice point that is going on at a galactic level , those of us choosing love through the ascension process are being offered support to hold space for ourselves with self love and care. Coming out of an intense head and neck pain experience, I was led during meditation to a pool of soothing water with Mother Mary. Mary offered loving comfort as I submerged in the waters and felt them enter into all of my chakras. I could also feel a residue in my inner child who is in transition from 4D to 5D crystalline (after many years of emotional process work with this energy), who needed Mary's love and comfort and reassurance that all was going to not only be OK but MAGICAL and wonderFULL too.

This was such a soothing experience for me that not soon after, I felt a desire and encouragement to create this guided meditation to share with others. I created a brief outline for it before recording but most of it is 'in the moment' as I connected with the collective experience of those souls choosing love through the ascension process. I have been leading guided meditations during several group calls and this one puts together MANY elements that have come through during those calls that people have found helpful, comforting, powerful, and moving (and me too!).

Both Mother Mary and Archangel Metatron 'show up' in this meditation to provide a balance of feminine and masculine frequencies. The feminine frequencies of Mary help to balance out the intense more masculine activation tones that are coming through from photonic light rays.

It is experiencing and tapping into this balance inside that helps to sooth and ease the ascension symptoms. During this meditation, we also activate, clean, and purify the ascension chakras - including others beyond the main seven ones, bringing their frequencies of galactic connection through the stellar gateway, soul memory and other lifetime connection (plus connection to your Metasoul line or soul group) through the soul star chakra, causal chakra (back of the head, helps with dissolving the reptilian brain stem and activating the pineal gland) and others. As this energy moves through all of the ascension chakras, it is grounded into Gaia and purified by the loving waters. We also activate your violet flame/sacred human/5D human column or 'violetprint'.

Offered here too, in this meditation, is space for the inner child, its healing and reactions, and connection with your emotional body. Mary especially holds space for this healing which is an important aspect of the ascension process....

Hope you enjoy this meditation and it brings a sense of Divine support from within and in connection with other too!

For more information about the SoulFullHeart quantum healing process, Jelelle Awen's latest book Free To Be 5D, videos, our SFH portal community on FB and events, visit

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Music is from the Soothing Relaxation You Tube Channel:    / @soothingrelaxation  

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