Beard Bliss is a brand new beard oil company that I recommend you check out!
In this interview, I talk to Beard Bliss founder Davis Spary about their new beard oil product line.
We cover everything from the ingredients to the benefits of using beard oils. If you're looking for a new beard oil company to try, be sure to check out Beard Bliss!
Beard Bliss is a new all natural beard product Company founded by David Spary, as he found he has a reaction to Scented beard oils David decided to bring out an unscented oil and intends to expand the unscented range to beard balms and waxes.
I chat with David about his beard oil and his goal for the future of Beard Bliss.
you can find beard bliss at
00:00 new Beard Bliss beard oil company
00:22 David Spary owner
01:05 why only unscented
02:55 beard oil ingredients
Please watch: "Fun with Mo Bro's Retro beard oil scents"
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