The Making Music Up in Lights project aims to showcase the brilliant variety of music our 3,500 member groups have continued making across the UK, even in the face of a pandemic. Formed of 190,000 hobby musicians, our groups perform diverse genres and styles of music at all levels of experience – each music maker’s unique background contributes to the rich tapestry of the leisure-time music sector.
Our eighth spotlight falls on The Taborers Society from Gloucestershire with the Pipe and Tabor Society of Japan, who bring a wonderful sense of toe-tapping rhythm in their rendition of traditional tune, 'Hunt the Squirrel'!
Watch their instrumental arrangement above and let us know if it gets you bopping along in the comments section below – if you've enjoyed what you've seen and heard, hit the Like button and subscribe to our channel so you don’t miss the next instalment!
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About The Taborers Society:
The Taborers Society was formed in 2005 to celebrate and promote the playing of the pipe and tabor family of instruments. The pipe is a three-hole whistle played with one hand, and which can be overblown to produce an octave and a half, while the tabor is a drum played with the other hand. The combination has been played in Britain for a millennium or more. It was a prominent accompaniment to dancing in medieval times, and in English Morris dancing from the 15th century onwards. It is highly valued for dance music, because the single player can provide melody and dance drive and energy. Members of The Taborers Society (TTS), are scattered around the country (and indeed the world), but come together a couple of times a year for an annual festival, and a less formal winter gathering. At both events beginners are welcomed and encouraged, workshops are held and concerts are given, with members playing music from the medieval era through to music from 21st century.