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what's up?
this is lloyd.
I'm happy to present my first video
on my new channel.
This is called the L-verse and I wrote on a dare and also because my name has two L's in it.
Some folks have asked so here are the lyrics:
L's legendary lava lips lash lighting licks.
Ludicrously lethal, legalized lawlessness.
Lyrics leave lesions lamented legions lying lifeless.
Lucifer's lists lisped lowly lice larva listen.
Lyricist liquefies life, laps lives.
Looming locust loco lupus.
Longing lunar light.
Lingo lilt, length long, limit limbo.
Languid, lullaby luller, logo language.
Laxative laden leaky lewd latrine licker.
Lemming line leader liquid leprosy leaker.
Lloyd's loaded. Lit liquored lop-sided loafer.
Love loather loner. Loneliness lure.
Lacking leadership L logs ladies like lumber.
Leaving labias lock-jawed. Lipstick lesbian lover.
Lurid lunger. Lobotomized lunatic looking laughing loudly.
Lloyd's legitimately loony.
LSD levitated logic, lofted lethargic larcener lifting lockets
L-train. Lefty literary locomotive.
Location local, Lord Loki, long live logos!
Luckiest little lyrical leprechaun littering limericks.
Laminate Lloyd's larynx loins ligaments
Legs limbs, lats, lenses lungs, liver, lumbar, lips.
Lumen, lap, lids, lobes, lymph nodes, lipids.
Linguistics liaison. Limber 'lil linguist likes Leman's.
Liming lawns lucent lepton lackadaisically ladling lexicons.
Labyrinth loophole locator liberator letting loose lost leaders.
Later. Litigator, lobbying LP's.
Lester, Louie, Led, Lynyrd, Legend.
LL, Label, Luke Lauren, Lenny, Lennon.
What the L is this?
What the L is this?
What the L is this?
Lyrics living for Lloyd for living for lyrics
Lucratively limitless L's legacy's legit.
Literate liberal leftist leverages lobbyist.
Lab lavishing lineage.
Lacks laziness limited.
Leading legible letter ledger legitimate.
Lloyd Leonard. Lacks L's last label.
Lady ladle levels lavalieres lacks legos.
Lesser likeness leer laxity looses.
Lieutenant literal looms luminous.
Losing loads, Lloyd's limo left laid.
Lotus locksmith lubricates lovely lactating Lillie's.
Lori's, Lisa's, Laura, Laurens, Lucy's.
Lustily looting libidos loosely.
Leviathan leopard lions leaping lightly.
Lysine leaching lymphoma liking.
Lividly lighting lousy literature liquescent.
Lippy Lloyd Leonard led lameness lessened.
This beat was created by my good buddy Edward Cayce out of Milwaukee. Check him out with Logic at
He's gonna be the beat under the next ERB.