Session 55 - Feature Selection Part 2 | Wrapper Methods | DSMP 2023

Опубликовано: 01 Январь 1970
на канале: CampusX

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| *Chapters* |
00:00:00 - Session start
00:06:04 - Recap & Agenda
00:11:21 - What is Wrapper Method?
00:14:33 - Types of Wrapper Methods
00:16:27 - Doubt clearance
00:17:17 - Exhaustive Feature Selection
00:23:16 - Disadvantages of Exhaustive Feature Selection
00:29:33 - Codes of Exhaustive Feature Selection (Classification Problem)
00:37:17 - Doubt clearance
00:40:54 - Exhaustive Feature Selection with Regression Problem (With code)
00:51:22 - Doubt clearance
00:57:42 - Sequential Backward Elimination
01:09:14 - Sequential Backward Elimination in Code
01:16:40 - Disadvantages of Sequential Backward Elimination
01:19:58 - Doubt clearance
01:23:49 - Sequential Forward Selection
01:32:16 - Disadvantages of Sequential Forward Selection
01:36:00 - Doubt clearance
01:37:33 - Advantages & Disadvantages of Wrapper Method
01:40:34 - Doubt clearance & Session end

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