4 тысяч подписчиков
533 видео
60: argmin | TensorFlow | Tutorial
120: dropout | TensorFlow | Tutorial
#36: Scikit-learn 33:Supervised Learning 11: Least Angle Regression, Lars()
27: Load and preprocess images | TensorFlow | Tutorial
#69: Pandas (Part 46): Group - 6: nth in Python
#41 Pandas: Visualization - 3 in Python - 27 | Tutorial
97: depthwise conv2d | TensorFlow | Tutorial
#74: Scikit-learn 71:Supervised Learning 49: Intuition Gaussian Process
122: ctc greedy decoder | TensorFlow | Tutorial
#3: What is a Tensor?
87: segment_sum | unsorted_segment_sum | TensorFlow | Tutorial
#13: Graphs in TensorFlow - 1 | Tutorial
62: ceil | TensorFlow | Tutorial
#10. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors in Machine Learning using Python | Tutorial
#1: Introduction to series.
69: digamma | TensorFlow | Tutorial
125: L2 loss | TensorFlow | Tutorial
127: nce loss | TensorFlow | Tutorial
111: fractional avg pool | TensorFlow | Tutorial
104: average pool 3d | TensorFlow | Tutorial
112: relu | TensorFlow | Tutorial
29: Image Classification | TensorFlow | Tutorial
#121: Scikit-learn 115: Model Selection 3: Cross-validation (3/3)
19: CROSS JOIN | SQL Tutorial
#83 Pandas (Part 60): Time: Slice, Exact match, time index resolution, pd.Truncate()
71: divide | TensorFlow | Tutorial
#100 Pandas (Part 77) Styling DataFrame-1: color, chaining
43: SWISH Activation | TensorFlow | Tutorial
#109: Scikit-learn 106:Unsupervised Learning 10: Intuition Bi-clustering
94: conv2d transpose | TensorFlow | Tutorial
#7: Variables in TensorFlow | Tutorial
#91 Pandas (Part 68): Intuition Timezone, pytz, dateutil, Daylight Saving Time | Tutorial
#23: Scikit-learn 20: Preprocessing 20: Marking imputed values, MissingIndicator()
Exception instance | Python Tutorial
#101 Pandas (Part 78) Styling DataFrame -2: Highlight, subset, slice, NaN
53: logical_and | TensorFlow | Tutorial
#89 Pandas (Part 66): Time: Period, PeriodIndex, Period Range in Python | Tutorial
Finally | Python Tutorial
#73: Pandas (Part 50): Timestamp in Python with pd.Timestamp() | Tutorial
19: Modules, layers and models - 3 | TensorFlow | Tutorial
74: erfc | erfcinv | TensorFlow | Tutorial
3: Addition | Algebra | Basic Mathematics | Tutorial
Linear Regression: Implementations in Python, TensorFlow, Kotlin, Keras and scikit-learn
65: count non zero| TensorFlow | Tutorial
59: argmax | TensorFlow | Tutorial
#29 Pandas: Missing values - 2 - 15 | Tutorial
#40 Pandas: Visualization - 2 in Python - 26 | Tutorial
#7. Tuple in Python | Tutorial
For Intermediate 88: Scikit-learn 85:Supervised Learning 63: Intuition for Feature Selection