243 тысяч подписчиков
148 видео
Impute missing values using KNNImputer or IterativeImputer
Should I shuffle samples with cross-validation?
Use stratified sampling with train_test_split
Going deeper with dplyr: New features in 0.3 and 0.4 (tutorial)
What is pandas? (Introduction to the Q&A series)
Making sense of the confusion matrix
Get the feature names output by a ColumnTransformer
Tune the parameters of a VotingClassifer or VotingRegressor
Data science in Python: pandas, seaborn, scikit-learn
Three reasons not to use drop=first with OneHotEncoder
pandas best practices (6/10): Using string methods
Getting started in scikit-learn with the famous iris dataset
How to evaluate a classifier in scikit-learn
How do I sort a pandas DataFrame or a Series?
How do I select multiple rows and columns from a pandas DataFrame?
Use Pipeline to chain together multiple steps
My top 50 scikit-learn tips
How do I filter rows of a pandas DataFrame by column value?
How do I encode categorical features using scikit-learn?
pandas best practices (1/10): Introducing the dataset
How do I apply multiple filter criteria to a pandas DataFrame?
How do I make my pandas DataFrame smaller and faster?
Web scraping in Python (Part 2): Parsing HTML with Beautiful Soup
How do I change the data type of a pandas Series?
Drop the first category from binary features (only) with OneHotEncoder
Use OrdinalEncoder instead of OneHotEncoder with tree-based models
Introduction to model ensembling
Forking a GitHub Repository
Course outline: Master Machine Learning with scikit-learn
Cost-sensitive learning in scikit-learn
Speed up GridSearchCV using parallel processing
Load a toy dataset into a DataFrame
Create an interactive diagram of a Pipeline in Jupyter
21 more pandas tricks
Tune multiple models simultaneously with GridSearchCV
Access part of a Pipeline using slicing
Committing Changes in Git and Pushing to a GitHub Repository
How do I rename columns in a pandas DataFrame?
How do I use pandas with scikit-learn to create Kaggle submissions?
Getting started with machine learning in Python (webcast)
How do I remove columns from a pandas DataFrame?
Web scraping in Python (Part 4): Exporting a CSV with pandas
Hands-on dplyr tutorial for faster data manipulation in R
pandas best practices (2/10): Removing columns
Create feature interactions using PolynomialFeatures
My top 25 pandas tricks
How do I handle missing values in pandas?
How do I explore a pandas Series?
Troubleshooting: Updates Rejected When Pushing to GitHub
Copying a GitHub Repository to Your Local Computer
How do I create dummy variables in pandas?