88 тысяч подписчиков
564 видео
Clause | What is Clause? | English Grammar |
From Donne to Pope MCQS | English Literature MCQS | @Literary Circle |
Uses of preposition at | Aims College Sakhakot
Another Other and Others | English Grammar through Urdu | Literary Circle |
Unit 01 Nouns | Primary English Grammar and Composition | Wren and Martin
Conjunction | Parts of Speech | Grammar |
Subject and Object Pronouns| English Grammar through Urdu | Literary Circle |
Lesson " Determination " | Second Year English Course with Urdu and Pashto Translation
Anagram | What is Anagram? | Examples of Anagram | Concise Explanation of Anagram | Literary Circle
How to record videos for students | X Recorder | Video Editing through Mobile |
Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) Model of Tolerance | Class 9th English with Urdu Translation
Adverb | Parts of Speech | English Grammar through urdu |
Grammar Topic: Collective Noun