775 тысяч подписчиков
343 видео
Present Indefinite Tense by jaideep sir | Affirmative Sentences solution hindi to english.
English Speaking Practice easy way | English Speaking Practice video | How to speak in english.
English Speaking Practice video | English Speaking Practice Conversation for beginners .
Direct and Indirect Speech class 9th | Solved Exercise -2 English Grammar PART -3
Direct and Indirect Speech class 9th | Solved Exercise -2 English Grammar PART -2
Direct and Indirect Speech class 9th | Solved Exercise -1 English Grammar PART -1
Future Indefinite Tense | Interrogative Sentences Solved Examples / Translate Hindi to English.
Future Indefinite Tense | Negative Sentences Solved Examples
Future Indefinite Tense | Affirmative Sentences | Translation Hindi to English.
Past Indefinite Tense | Interrogative Sentences Solved with examples.
Past Indefinite tense | Negative Sentences Solved with examples | Translation Hindi to English.
Long Sentences Translation Trick | Long Sentences hindi to english translation | English grammar.
Active and Passive voice | Class 9 Present Perfect Tense Passive voice Solved Exercise 3 in Hindi.
Use of will and shall | Will and shall english speaking | Learn English grammar video.
Past Perfect Continuous | Past perfect continuous tense examples/Tense in spoken english.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense | Past Perfect Continuous Tense Conversation | Learn English Grammar.
Future perfect continuous tense conversation | Future perfect continuous tense with examples.
Present continuous tense passive voice/ active and passive voice/active and passive voice in english
Use of go on / goes on and went on Hindi to English translation | Learn English Grammar.
Future Indefinite Tense | Future Indefinite tense examples/Tense in spoken english.
Present indefinite tense by Jaideep sir | Interrogative sentences with examples.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense | Past Perfect Continuous Tense Conversation | Simple Sentences.
Active and Passive voice in english grammar | Present Continuous Tense/Active and Passive voice.
Active and passive voice | Present Perfect tense in passive voice/ active and passive in english.
Present indefinite tense passive voice | Active and passive voice/active and passive voice rules.
Active and passive voice | Present Perfect Tense/Class 10 active and passive voice Exercise.
Active and Passive voice Part -2 | Present Indefinite Tense examples | Negative Sentences.
Active and Passive voice Part -5 | Present Continuous Tense examples | Negative Sentences.
Past Perfect Tense | Past Perfect Tense in English | Tense Conversation and Translation.
Past Indefinite Tense | Affirmative Sentence Solved with examples | Translate hindi to english.
Future Perfect Tense Passive voice | future active and passive voice/ active and passive voice rules
Class 10 Past Continuous Tense Passive voice | Active and passive voice Example/Solved exercise.
Past perfect tense conversation / Past perfect tense hindi to english translation | Hindi to english
Simple Trick | Part -4 Active and Passive voice | Present Continuous Tense with solutions.
Class 12 active and passive voice | active and passive voice class 12 up board/ important question.