1.31 тысяч подписчиков
286 видео
Ground Yourself (earth yourself) for improved health
Aggressive OMGYM Training Demo by Mike Nash, author of Aggressive Health
Muscle Ups On Rings
Aggressive Health Weekly - Week 8
Transdermal Magnesium and becoming SUPER SLIM (weightloss insights)
muscle up rolls on the rings
Vitamin C Basics - Suzanne Humphries, MD.
Sunwarrior Protein Smoothie + Spirulina and Chlorella
The Jawcerciser: Strengthen Teeth and Remineralise Bone in only 1-3 minutes per day
Vegetable Juice and Sun Warrior Protein
Transdermal Magnesium and RIPPING toxins out of your body
#3 The Healing Power of the Far Infrared Sauna
Jing Herbs Eleuthero - Supreme Adatogentic To Enhance Physical & Mental Endurance