78 тысяч подписчиков
134 видео
Avernus 34-100% (Top 5)
"bosco busch" 58% and 41-100% (Top 5 Challenge)
[First Victor] PARPASSUCUS Clubstep 100% (Top 30 UDL Demon) by Du72
[First Victor] EXPIRATION DATE 100% (Top 5 Challenge) by dung beetle
[VERIFIED] Map of Problematique 100% (Legendary Demon) by Yossarian and more
[VERIFIED] Aquamarine 100% (Top 5 Demon) by sincos
[Top 20] wpopoff challenge by EatingBabies First Victor
Rivalz Clipz 'n Highlightz on (ROBLOX)
new worst death in geometry dash history (aquamarine)
[Top 10] Lightning Machine in TWO RUNS | 48% and 48-100%
All Bronze Wave Challenges (GDSR) | Geometry Dash